Sunak ‘concerned’ over Hoyle’s rule change but gives credit over speaker’s apology – UK politics live

At 12:43pm, a motion was introduced by some MPs stating their lack of trust in Hoyle. Currently, 67 MPs have signed it. However, government officials seem to be pointing fingers at Labour for the events of last night. Rishi Sunak has acknowledged the seriousness of the situation but also acknowledged Hoyle’s apology. Sunak hinted that he is not actively advocating for Hoyle’s removal. (Refer to 4:28pm update.)

At 11:48 in the morning, Gove shifted the blame to Labour for the chaotic and hostile ending of the debate.

During a conversation with the Sun, Gove stated:

I believe the main concern is not related to the person speaking.

As a government minister, it is important to show respect to the referee, even if you do not agree with their decisions.

I like Lindsay …

I feel remorseful that Keir Starmer is letting himself and the Labour party be controlled by fear and intimidation.

According to Rishi Sunak, the implementation will not take place until at least 2025.

Dimbleby suggested limiting the promotion of these types of food, stating that a prohibition should be in place after 9pm and also before. He proposed a blanket ban on advertising for such products.

The Lords inquiry is collecting information about how ultra-processed foods and high-fat, high-salt, and high-sugar foods contribute to obesity and other health issues. These types of foods often contain artificial additives and ingredients like emulsifiers and sweeteners, which are designed to make them very appealing.

Dr. Chris van Tulleken, a clinical research fellow at University College London and author of the book “Ultra-Processed People,” explained to the inquiry that the main goal of ultra-processed food is to encourage overconsumption. He also noted that it is common for people in this country to consume 80% of their daily calories from ultra-processed food.

Dimbleby strongly denounced advertisements aimed at children, specifically calling out Coco Pops for being marketed as a dessert rather than a breakfast cereal. He also suggested that foods that are heavily processed and contain high levels of fat, salt, and sugar should be labeled as unhealthy using black octagon symbols, similar to those used in other countries.

He advocated for significant aid to be given to individuals living in poverty, such as fruit and vegetable vouchers, in order to make nutritious food more accessible. He also proposed implementing a tax on products with high levels of salt and sugar, but assured that this would not lead to an increase in food prices. He emphasized the need to limit the profit-driven motives of companies, stating that a positive future cannot be achieved without addressing this issue.

The motion of no confidence in Sir Lindsay Hoyle, the speaker, has reached 65 signatures, which is 10% of the total number of members in Parliament. However, it has since decreased to 64 after Conservative MP Philip Dunne removed his name (at 10:27am).

Why didn’t they simply vote against the two opposing propositions and pass their own? In her address to Members of Parliament last night, Penny Mordaunt, the leader of the House of Commons, suggested that the Tories were taking this action as a form of protest against the speaker disregarding the procedural rights of the SNP. However, if the Tories had successfully voted down the Labour amendment, the SNP would have been satisfied as they would have had the opportunity to vote on their own motion.

My colleagues have thoroughly investigated this matter and believe that the Tories were concerned about losing the vote, thus leading to their actions.

Earlier today, Caulfield accurately stated that Conservative Members of Parliament were in agreement when they voted against the SNP’s proposal for a ceasefire in November.

However, circumstances have significantly shifted since the initial vote. Although many Conservative Members of Parliament would have been content to vote against the Scottish National Party’s motion, I believe that a portion of them would have hesitated to vote against the Labour one due to its accusation of Israel’s involvement in the collective punishment of Palestinians. Furthermore, the content of the Labour motion could easily have been drafted by David Cameron.

According to a poll by Savanta, Rishi Sunak is viewed as a more favorable party leader compared to other candidates who are seen as rival leaders. This goes against the beliefs of certain individuals on the right who claim that a right-wing alternative would be more favored among the party’s core voters.

According to the poll, Penny Mordaunt, leader of the Commons, would be a more well-liked choice for Tory leader than Sunak among all voters.

Eleanor Langford from the i has posted the chart on X.

Rishi Sunak said that the legislation to exonerate post office operators whose convictions are regarded as unsafe because of the Horizon scandal will be published “very, very soon”. In a Commons written statement today, Kevin Hollinrake, the postal services minister, has set out at some length details of the cases that will be covered.

The legislation will consider one factor, which is the assumption that prosecutions brought by the Post Office were not trustworthy. He states:

The law will identify the prosecuting party involved in the particular case. The inquiry into Horizon has received testimony of the appalling conduct of the Post Office’s investigative methods. It is reasonable for the government to pass a law to invalidate these prosecutions if the prosecutor’s credibility has been compromised.

the Commons early day motion expressing no confidence in Sir Lindsay Hoyle. There are now 61 MPs backing it.a “damning” report published this morning by Audit Scotland that said the increased pressure on the NHS was now having a direct impact on patient safety, as the service found itself unable to meet growth in demand.

According to Ross, the report mentioned the lack of a “general plan” for the future of the healthcare system.

Humza Yousaf, the primary minister, maintained that although he acknowledged the report’s significance, there has been a substantial increase in funding and personnel in the Scottish NHS.

The leader of the Scottish Labour Party, Anas Sarwar, and Yousaf got into a heated argument over Labour’s suggested windfall tax. The first minister criticized the proposal, claiming it could jeopardize thousands of jobs. In response, Sarwar accused Yousaf of favoring energy corporations over the working class. He also made a point that may be highlighted in future election materials: while individuals earning over £28,000 in Scotland have to pay higher income taxes, Yousaf appears to be defending large energy companies from facing a similar increase in their profits.


Hoyle requested to keep his job, admitting to making a mistake and expressing deep remorse to the SNP. He also shared his emotional response to the alarming information he has seen regarding the danger faced by MPs, emphasizing his determination to prioritize safety. I have updated the post at 12:45pm to include his exact words. (You may need to refresh the page to see the changes.)

Did it meet the criteria? Number 10 previously declined to show faith in Hoyle, indicating that Rishi Sunak is still undecided (a less admirable behavior of his – recall how he avoided taking a position on the standards committee’s report on Boris Johnson). Sunak may be holding off until the Conservative party reaches a collective viewpoint before sharing his thoughts publicly.

However, it appears that the threat to Hoyle’s future is diminishing at this stage. During discussions about business, there was no frenzy among the Tory party to attack Hoyle. In fact, he received support from government members, including some who have a history of confrontation with previous speakers. Penny Mordaunt, the leader of the House of Commons, repeatedly praised Hoyle as a “decent man” and downplayed the possibility of a vote of no confidence. In the past two hours, only two more signatures were added to the early day motion of no confidence, bringing the total to 59. One of those who signed, Tory member Derek Thomas, suggested on the World at One just a few minutes ago that if the motion does not result in Hoyle’s resignation but instead prompts him to be more cautious in making anti-Tory decisions in the future, he would find that acceptable.



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