Inexpensive non-prescription medication for nails discovered to be effective against severe flesh-eating illness.

A cost-effective and readily available medication used for treating fungal nail infections has been discovered to be effective against a destructive disease that affects flesh and bone in regions of Africa, Asia, and the Americas.

Scientists report that this discovery brings promise to countless individuals who have endured years of neglect and may be at risk for amputations if the illness is not addressed.

The outcomes of the medical study in Sudan testing a new treatment for mycetoma have revealed that the oral medication fosravuconazole has an efficacy rate of up to 85% with no reported side effects.

Dr Borna Nyaoke, the head of mycetoma at the Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi) – which coordinated the trial with the Mycetoma Research Center (MRC) in Sudan’s capital, Khartoum, and the Japanese pharmaceutical company Eisai – labelled the discovery “momentous”.

She expressed her excitement and stated that it will be a game-changing event.

A man with a damaged foot walks with a crutch as other patients wait on a bench at a clinic

Mycetoma is a long-term infection that is caused by specific bacteria and fungi. It is classified as one of the 20 neglected tropical diseases by the World Health Organization. While there is no precise data on the overall number of cases worldwide, Sudan and Mexico have reported the most cases.

The main demographic affected by this condition is typically young adults living in impoverished, rural regions. Approximately 20-25% of those diagnosed with mycetoma are children. A common cause of infection is stepping on thorns while walking without shoes.

Untreated, the condition has the potential to be fatal. The negative connotations surrounding the illness can have a detrimental impact on one’s mental well-being.

Currently, mycetoma is managed using itraconazole, a medication that must be consumed four times daily with meals for a period of one year. This drug has various adverse effects and is quite costly, with a yearly treatment cost of approximately $2,000 (£1,600) per patient. Additionally, it is not accessible in all countries where the disease is prevalent.

Fosravuconazole is currently used for treating fungal nail infections and can be consumed once a week for a duration of one year without the need for food. Nyaoke stated that this is beneficial for individuals in our population who struggle with having two full meals a day. The new treatment is anticipated to be more affordable.

Even though the trials in Sudan were successful, the ongoing war has hindered progress in combating the disease. In April, Sudan was thrown into turmoil as conflict erupted between the Sudanese armed forces, commanded by Gen Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and the Rapid Support Forces led by rival Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, also known as Hemedti.

The MRC, located in Khartoum, is the sole specialized center for mycetoma globally. It functions as a central laboratory for numerous healthcare establishments. Unfortunately, it has been forced to shut down.

A man on crutches with one leg enters the gate to a clinic as others stand around in the shade of trees

According to Nyaoke, the regulatory authority in Sudan seems prepared to authorize the use of the drug across the country. However, it is unclear when a final decision will be reached.

Ahmed Fahal, a professor of surgery at Khartoum University and founder of the centre, said: “The war had a lot of impact in Sudan in general as well as on the mycetoma centre and on patients. It affected our work; staff have fled and are traumatised. The war has definitely moved us backwards.”

Fahal is determined to establish two additional centers in regions of the country that have not been impacted by conflict. He expressed his determination to restart and carry on with our current efforts.


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