Tracey Emin is currently recuperating in Thailand after experiencing a near-explosion of her intestine.

Famous British artist Tracey Emin is currently recuperating in Thailand following a near-explosion of her small intestine after a surgical procedure.

Unfortunately, Emin, a well-known artist from Britain, has faced cancer and has had to undergo significant surgery in the past few years. In a recent Instagram post on Sunday, she revealed that she has been struggling with her health and believes she has used up one of her “nine lives.”

The 60-year-old woman had traveled to Australia for the National Gallery of Victoria’s Triennial exhibition and was returning to the UK through Thailand when she became sick.

She stated that it was not cancer, but rather terrible issues with her intestines caused by an infection and scar tissue. The situation was made even worse by flying.

“I was fortunate enough to be in Thailand while on my return from Australia when my small intestine was on the verge of rupturing. I was able to receive excellent medical care at a reputable hospital and I am currently recuperating in a luxurious hotel on the island of Phuket,” she expressed her gratitude towards the hospital and hotel.

She mentioned being on a special diet and will travel once she has recovered.

Emin gained recognition as a prominent member of the Young British Artists movement. She became known for her bold and sometimes controversial pieces that often explored themes of sexuality, as well as her refreshingly honest public image.

The display titled “My Bed” by the artist caused a stir in Britain when it was first shown in 1998. It consisted of an untidy bed surrounded by personal items such as empty vodka bottles, cigarette packs, and condoms.

This report was contributed by Agence France-Presse.


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