Even though it may seem far off, it is important to begin preparing for 2024. For instance, the Golden Globes will take place on January 7th and many individuals are currently working hard to make the event a success.
A recent announcement revealed the menu for the Golden Globes guests, which promises to be a unique and innovative dining experience. The menu will feature sushi dishes, prepared by renowned restaurant Nobu, including sashimi salad and assorted nigiri. While the sushi is of high quality, with the exception of black cod miso, it remains the main component of the menu.
There is a potential risk here, as the Golden Globes have established a reputation as the more casual and chaotic counterpart to the Oscars. Alcohol is consumed at this event, and it is likely that many attendees will have empty stomachs. While sushi may contain rice, it is unlikely to be sufficient in absorbing the alcohol. I predict there will be chaos and disorder. This was not the case last year, when the intoxicated actors were able to line their stomachs with risotto. In 2014, the Globes attempted to mitigate this issue by providing each guest with a small piece of pita bread. This display of logic seems to be lacking this year.

The issue may lie in the fact that the Golden Globes are struggling to keep pace with the more advanced Oscars. The early days of the Oscars consisted of simple meals, such as chicken on toast, while the ceremony went through a lengthy period of serving traditional English dishes like ham and melon, pate, and beef with mushroom. It wasn’t until the renowned chef Wolfgang Puck took over almost 30 years ago that things began to change. Puck initially faced challenges in finding his footing, despite his efforts to offer a variety of dishes like steak, lamb chops, and pizza in his first few years. However, celebrities still managed to request their own desired meals. Puck recalled in 2012 that Barbra Streisand asked for chicken pot pie and Tom Cruise requested steak.
Satisfying the desires of numerous prominent guests, each eager to outdo each other in terms of social status, may seem like a nightmare, which could explain Puck’s ingenious idea. The name “Oscars” derives from the award statues given out at the event, so why not create all the food to resemble an Oscar? In 2004, Puck introduced his new concept by serving Oscar-shaped cookies for guests to indulge in. This was followed by smoked salmon slices and flatbreads also shaped like Oscars. Currently, Puck appears to be obsessed with creating as many Oscar-shaped food items as possible, including puddings and small chocolate Oscars covered in gold dust.
These individuals deserve this. It does not matter if the food is tasty. The crucial aspect is that it resembles an army of miniature beings, which has two benefits: a) it appears impressive on Instagram and b) it boosts the egos of the human actors by making them feel like powerful, godlike figures compared to the small food items. This sensation cannot be easily achieved with just sushi.
It’s amazing how simple it would be to create a dish that resembles a Golden Globe, since it’s basically just a ball on a pedestal. Nearly any type of food could easily be transformed into the shape of a Golden Globe. For example, a standing sausage with a satsuma placed on top, or an arancina (or arancinu) perched on a churro, depending on your regional dialect. Even an olive inserted into a piece of liquorice or an onion placed on a Mars bar could resemble a Golden Globe.
I shouldn’t have to come up with ideas for the Golden Globes. The ceremony has barely recovered from its recent controversy and continues to fall behind the Oscars each year. Is the solution simply serving sushi? But regular sushi, without any creative presentation? That won’t be enough to make everything right.
Improve your performance in the future, Golden Globes.
Source: theguardian.com