“After binge-watching, I realized that Middle-earth actually exists.”
Jason was led to New Zealand by The Lord of the Rings.
During my childhood in the 1980s, I resided in Manchester. However, in my imagination, I lived in a hobbit hole located in the Shire. Due to attending a rough school, I often sought refuge in the library during lunch breaks where I would read The Lord of the Rings. At bedtime, I would lay in bed and stare at a circular mark on the carpet, hoping it would transform into a doorway to Middle-earth. Despite living in a council estate at the age of 11, I pictured myself as a hobbit, enjoying a pipe and dancing in a meadow. My fascination with orcs also consumed me, possibly because I was a large and awkward child who resembled their appearance.
In my thirties, I experienced Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings and felt a sense of joy, but still longed for Hobbiton. While watching the DVDs with my wife, Sarah, I had a realization: Middle-earth is real and I don’t require a portal to access it. In just 23 hours, I can fly there. Excitedly, I asked Sarah, “Should we relocate to New Zealand?” One of the things I admire about my wife is her ability to take my wild ideas seriously. After six months, we were living in Auckland.
When I arrived at the airport, the first thing that caught my attention was a towering statue of a dwarf standing guard over the security area. I was overjoyed because I immediately realized that I had chosen the right destination. The Wellington airport was even more incredible, with a gigantic Gollum and a life-sized Gandalf riding a massive eagle above the food court.

When Sarah and I first arrived in New Zealand, we knew we weren’t hobbits. We had hoped to find work and live in a normal house like regular people. However, my backyard resembles Bilbo Baggins’ with its beautiful rolling hills, lush greenery, and the peaceful sound of birds singing.
We have been residing in this location for 18 years and have not once regretted our decision. Although Sarah is not as fond of movies as I am, she is incredibly supportive. Our home is adorned with life-size replicas of my beloved characters and I even create costumes for them. The guest room is filled with a vast collection of swords and troll armor. Sarah has mentioned that my obsession with Middle-earth was one of the reasons she was initially drawn to me. I believe she tolerates a great deal because of it.
I am employed as a nurse in the field of mental health. Although my life is not always reminiscent of a peaceful scene from the Shire, I find it fascinating how closely it aligns with the fantasies I had as a child. One of my neighbors even had a role as an orc in the film The Two Towers. Due to the small population of New Zealand and the immense popularity of the movies, I have met a surprisingly large number of individuals who have connections to the cast and crew. In my opinion, I have achieved my dream of living in Middle-earth, with an orc as my neighbor.
After the movie ended, I immediately started looking into obtaining my visa.
After viewing Eat Pray Love, Bo departed for Bali.

I viewed Eat Pray Love for the initial time in 2021 while recovering from a heartbreak. I was lying in bed, by myself, in Essex, and spent most of the day sending strange emails to my ex-boyfriend. At 27 years old, it was my first significant breakup and I spent months crying over photos of my ex and devising elaborate plans to win him back. I turned on Eat Pray Love as a means of comforting myself, but my choice of movie was somewhat random; I was also considering watching Pretty Woman. Being a fan of Julia Roberts, I was hoping her face would temporarily replace my ex’s in my mind.
I was completely mesmerized by the film, not once did I check my phone during the 133 minutes it played. Julia’s character, who was also dealing with heartbreak, captivated me. She took charge of her healing journey by indulging in activities like eating spaghetti, riding a bicycle, and having intimate moments with Javier Bardem’s character. The scenes in Bali were enchanting, especially because Julia appeared so peaceful. As I watched her meditating on a platform, I couldn’t help but feel envious of her tranquility. By the time the credits rolled, I was already looking into obtaining a visa. Within just two days, I had booked a one-way ticket to Bali.
The days leading up to it were chaotic. I sold my laptop to gather funds for the move, and then donated all my clothes because I was determined to start fresh as a new person in a new place. I adjusted my Tinder location to “Bali” in order to scope out potential romantic prospects before my arrival, and reserved an Airbnb that resembled the house Julia stays in during the movie.
When I finally arrived in Bali, I started to doubt my decision. The island was just as beautiful as I had seen in pictures, but I had foolishly believed that I could forget about my ex as soon as I arrived. However, a flight cannot erase memories like a lobotomy. I stayed in a villa with a meditation platform and while sitting there, I was shocked to realize that I was still thinking about him. About a week later, I attempted to recreate a scene from the movie where the character Julia rides a bike through a rice field. However, I almost fell off my motorbike because I was crying inside my helmet.
Over time, I started to construct a fresh existence here – however, the journey was more isolating than I had anticipated and has spanned years, not just hours. I abandoned my attempts to imitate the best moments of the film and instead found activities of my own. I studied Indonesian and started engaging in conversations with others rather than spending time alone on my platform.
I am approaching my third year on the island and I have recently met someone new. The fact that I have only felt genuinely happy since falling in love again concerns me. I must learn how to move on in a positive manner, as I cannot continue leaving the country every time I end a relationship. However, it could be false that healing can only be achieved on one’s own. After all, Julia found love with Javier.
After six months, I moved to the Left Bank.
After viewing the film Cléo from 5 to 7, Jennifer relocated to the city of Paris.

As a child, I had a tendency to strongly relate to the characters I saw in movies. Despite living in a quiet village in Sussex, I spent much of my time in front of the TV, indulging in a variety of glamorous lives in my imagination. I often rewatched Clueless and started to believe that my true identity was that of an American cheerleader, stuck in the body of a nine-year-old English girl. As a 17-year-old, my dreams had shifted, but were still far-fetched. I watched Y Tu Mama Tambien in my Spanish class and saved up money for a solo trip to Mexico. Despite not being the most attractive or popular teenager, I never lacked confidence. Upon returning home, I was genuinely surprised that I hadn’t been propositioned for a threesome by Diego Luna and Gael Garcia Bernal.
After a few years, I viewed Cléo from 5 to 7 by Agnès Varda. The film depicts two hours in the life of a young Frenchwoman as she roams around the city. Unlike other French New Wave films where women typically did not hold jobs or had lower positions such as shopgirls or maids, Cléo is a popular singer. The plot is tragic as Cléo awaits her cancer diagnosis, but this is what resonated with me about the movie. It was filmed in June 1961 over multiple days and is now considered a valuable record of the city due to its documentary-style shots of the urban landscape. Paris appeared stunning, yet it was also raw and visibly dirty, mirroring Cléo’s inner turmoil. Every street was seen through her subjective viewpoint, giving the impression that the entire city belonged to her. After living in a small village, I yearned for a bit of grit and freedom. As a result, I began applying for jobs in Paris.
After six months, I relocated to the Left Bank and settled into a small apartment, specifically chosen due to its proximity to a street where Agnès Varda had filmed a scene. Despite sleeping on a bunk bed and having a cramped shower in the kitchen, I was content at 23 years old. I secured a teaching position at a building without functioning toilets and spent my days exploring Paris while listening to music on my iPod, searching for the landmarks featured in the film.
The film Cléo from 5 to 7 does not have a traditional “boyfriend” character, which was one aspect I appreciated about it. The story focuses on a woman’s journey without being centered around a romantic relationship. However, having also watched Amélie, I had hopes of finding love and excitement in the city known for romance. I found the directness of French dating culture to be confusing. Though I was proficient in French, it was difficult to fully express my personality in a foreign language. Making friends with French locals was a slow process. Whenever I attempted to approach a man at a bar, I often made mistakes. They would either immediately reject me because they had a girlfriend, or assume I was only interested in sex.
In 2011, after a year of not having any romantic partners, I decided to try online dating. I registered on a website called singlesinparis.com, as dating apps were not yet popular at the time. To my surprise, it turned out to be a successful experience. I am still in a relationship with the Frenchman I went on my first Parisian date with, even after 12 years.
I intend to permanently reside in France – however, my family recently relocated from Paris to the French Riviera because I didn’t want to raise children in a city. Interestingly, my daughter is named after the film “Cléo.” It’s funny how life works – I spent my entire childhood trying to escape the countryside, but now I find myself back there. On the bright side, I have an impressive collection of films. When my daughter is old enough, she can watch them and plan her own escape.
“It’s unusual to relocate to a different country for a movie that you consider to be unimpressive.”
Georgina traveled to Spain due to her interest in Vicky Cristina Barcelona.

During the 2000s, I resided in New York and my life revolved around my job. I worked as a headhunter, although my role was not particularly significant. However, I approached my work as if I was performing life-saving surgery every day. I dedicated 75 hours a week to my job and only slept for four hours each night. Meanwhile, my husband, who is an actor, often did not have a job in New York and it felt like we were on completely different paths. I was extremely unhappy and it’s possible that my husband didn’t want to be around me during this time. When I am sad, I am not the most pleasant person to be around.
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During times of high stress, I would often reach my breaking point and take a few hours to myself, usually by going to the movies alone. One day, I chose to watch Vicky Cristina Barcelona (pictured above) and initially, I was not enjoying it. The subplot of a threesome was making me roll my eyes. However, as the film progressed, it slowly began to captivate me. The turning point was a scene at night, where Scarlett Johansson strolls down a picturesque cobblestone street. The extras in the background, all Catalonians, caught my attention as they relaxed on balconies and engaged in conversations. Seeing them made me realize how long it had been since I felt relaxed or had a meaningful conversation. As I sat in the theater, all of my frenzied energy from work drained away. When I returned home, I declared that I was moving to Barcelona.

My husband was understandably surprised when I said I would be moving, using “I” instead of “we”. He also expressed concern that I may have lost my mind, as I had never been to Barcelona in person, even for a short trip. It is possible that he had a point. (After all, I did quit my job right after leaving the movie theater.) Although I hoped he would join me, I was so confident in my decision that I was willing to go alone.
We ultimately relocated to Barcelona as a pair. I recall arriving at our apartment and briefly panicking because it didn’t resemble Vicky Cristina Barcelona in the slightest. Our neighborhood was very contemporary and the weather was extremely cold. However, once I found my way to the historic district, it felt like I was strolling through the movie itself. There were hanging lights and stone streets, and when I had a drink at a bar, they served complimentary snacks.
I have been living in Barcelona for almost 15 years and my job is now more creatively fulfilling. This has positively impacted my marriage as we now have more time to communicate with each other. A balanced partnership is difficult to maintain when one person is constantly working. If we had stayed in New York, I’m not sure our relationship would have endured.
After revisiting Vicky Cristina Barcelona, I still believe my initial understanding stands: it’s mediocre. However, the scenery of Barcelona remains stunning. It’s odd to have relocated for a movie that I consider to be objectively subpar, but perhaps it’s not only exceptional art that can be influential. Poor art can also have a profound impact.
The people in Melbourne believe I am crazy for traveling here.
After viewing Morgan’s Boy, Arya relocated to a countryside area in Wales.

When the pandemic struck, I was living alone in Melbourne. The state of Victoria had implemented a strict lockdown policy, so for two years, my activities were limited to walking around my block and browsing the internet. One day, I came across a low-quality YouTube video of a 1984 BBC drama called Morgan’s Boy, which focused on a depressed Welsh farmer. Despite being 26 years old at the time, I found myself deeply relating to the character, even though he was 47 and lonely. The scenes of the Welsh countryside reminded me of my rural upbringing in New Zealand. Feeling homesick for my family, I stayed up until 4am watching all eight episodes in one sitting.
Morgan’s Boy is not your typical uplifting TV series as it does not have a happy ending for the isolated farmer. However, I found the plot to be strangely therapeutic. The realistic portrayal of the characters was something I appreciated. Simple nuances, such as the way the actor playing Morgan ate or walked, reminded me of the farmers I grew up around. Unfortunately, not many people know about Morgan’s Boy, and it saddens me to think about the effort and care put into something that has been forgotten.
Upon researching the landmarks featured in the episodes, I was ecstatic to find out that they were actual locations. The pub, cow field, local markets, and village shop were all real and tangible. Whenever I felt confined in Melbourne, I would use Google maps to mentally walk the routes from the show. I longed for a place similar to New Zealand but also desired independence and excitement. I promised myself that once the lockdown lifted, I would visit my family and then relocate to rural Wales.
In July 2022, I reached the Black Mountains and settled into a cottage a short distance from the filming location of Morgan’s Boy. As I unpacked my belongings that afternoon, I was filled with joy. I ventured out onto the hills, which were completely empty, but I didn’t feel lonely like I did in Melbourne. Instead, I felt a sense of independence and control. It almost felt like I was in a scene from the show, but a happy one – although those were rare.
I have made many friends since moving here, most of whom are in their 70s. Despite the age difference, I feel like I have more friends now than ever before. In the past year, I have received an average of two dinner invitations per week. I am amazed by the number of events and festivals that take place on the weekends. Before the pandemic, I had a demanding job in Melbourne and often felt like I was neglecting parts of my life because I only allowed myself to have fun on my days off. However, I have never been a fan of partying, so my new slow-paced life suits me better. While I haven’t fully become a hill farmer, I have recently taken up gardening and am growing my own carrots.
The residents of Melbourne find it crazy that I relocated here. My Welsh friends, who are in their 70s, constantly question why I chose not to live in a larger city and pursue love. However, I’ve been in relationships before and I’m currently enjoying the independence of not having to constantly think about someone else’s needs. If that changes, there are many potential suitors at the village festival.
The name of Arya has been altered.
“My spouse was relieved that I did not watch a movie about a wanderer in the desert.”
Scott was sent to Japan by The Last Samurai.

In 2020, I relocated to Japan, driven by my passion for The Last Samurai. The movie features Tom Cruise as a 19th-century American soldier who trains to become a Japanese warrior. Despite my career in marketing, my true desire is to be a samurai. I am captivated by their code of honor and their unwavering dedication to perfection in even the most menial tasks. Some scenes in the film show Tom Cruise peacefully sitting on a hill, surrounded by stunning scenery. In my daydreams, I envision myself in a similar pose, in a distant and ancient world.
I began rewatching The Last Samurai in my early thirties while living in Shanghai. The work environment there was highly competitive and I suffered from stress ulcers and frequent headaches. The lifestyle of a 19th-century samurai suddenly seemed very appealing. One particular line from the movie script kept replaying in my mind while I sat at my desk, like a constant earworm. In the final scene, Tom Cruise strolls through a picturesque green field as the narrator tells us that he has finally found a sense of peace, something that we all desire but few of us ever attain. Despite knowing that this was just a Hollywood production, I couldn’t help but see that line as my own personal salvation. The concept of “peace” seemed to encompass everything that was missing from my life. I even began discussing the possibility of moving to Japan with my wife.

My spouse is from China, while I had already relocated. She wasn’t particularly excited about leaving her home country for the sake of The Last Samurai, but recognized the practical advantages of moving: she suffered from respiratory problems due to air pollution in Shanghai, and was worried about my burnout. She is used to the significant impact that movies have on my life. I often purchase furniture and accessories to match those seen on screen. Whenever we have whisky, I insist on using my special Blade Runner glassware. I believe she was simply relieved that I didn’t watch a film about a nomad in the desert and decide to move there.
We arrived in Kyoto four months before the onset of Covid, so all the exquisite temples were deserted. Simply venturing into a teahouse or exploring a side street made me feel like I was transported into the world of a movie. The Japanese use taimu surippu to describe this experience, which means time-slip. Despite still working and having young children, I believe I have found some sense of peace since relocating. Even with the return of tourists, it’s surprisingly effortless to lose track of the current century.
Occasionally, I elevate my time-traveling escapades to a higher extent. Recently, I participated in a day dedicated to dressing up as a samurai, donning Tom Cruise-esque robes. They provided me with a prop sword and taught me a few techniques. My children joined in on the fun, but I appeared to be the most eager participant. In Kyoto, dress-up gatherings are a popular occurrence. During certain festivals, hundreds of adults roam the streets in traditional attire, making me feel like I have discovered my true home.
Source: theguardian.com