How important were the circumstances of an often heartbreakingly hard childhood and background in rural Tennessee in the making of your career? eamonmcc
Everybody where we grew up had a hard time. We were mountain people. Most people were poor, but we didn’t realise that we were poor until some smart-head said so. Everybody around us lived the same way, but you don’t think about that until you’re away. We had good parents, but we didn’t have all the big luxuries that I’m able to afford now. But I wouldn’t trade it for nothing. The only thing I regret is that my parents had a hard time, but they never complained, so why should I? That’s made me who I am, so I’m grateful.
What is your advice for being positive, despite setbacks, and how to repel despair? GSW2298
You have to work at being happy. Some people work at being miserable. If I wake up in the morning and don’t feel great or things are not great, I try to think about what I can do to make things work better, rather than just falling into that deep hole, because then you just go deeper and deeper. I just try to have a good attitude and make things right; to be grateful for the things I have, thank God, and look for spiritual strength for myself.
Out of the rich body of songs you’ve written, which are you most proud of and why? VerulamiumParkRanger
Well, I’m proud of all of them. I think the one that’s most personal to me is the lil’ Coat of Many Colors, because it talks about my mom, my parents, and kind of gives you an insight. It also covers bullying, acceptance and all that. Of course, the one that’s most recorded is Jolene. That seems to be the favourite – do you know that song has been recorded, somebody told me, 450 times in the last 52 years? I’m so proud of it. And I Will Always Love You is one is the great love songs, so I’m very proud of that too.

I’ve heard it said many times that you wrote Jolene and I Will Always Love You on the same day. Is this true? garythenotrashcougar
I don’t know if I wrote them on the same day – but they were found on the same cassette, and so I wrote them during that period of time.
What did you think about the revelation that playing Jolene at 33rpm turns it into a haunting masterpiece? Edspin
Years ago, they started playing my songs at 33rpm. They even put out a couple of records under a different name, but with my voice – I thought: “Golly, that guy sounds just like me. All those little trills. Buddy, he really paid attention.” My voice is so high-pitched and I have all those little trills – it sounds better as a man’s voice.
If you were a wine, what would you taste of? MrSOBaldrick
I’d be bubbly and sparkly, don’t you think? I have written many songs that have a line about wine – in fact, me and my little niece wrote one not long ago, about drinking homemade wine. And I’ve certainly had a little wine while I was writing songs.
Do you think it’s true that British food is terrible? jwillchad
I’ve had some great British food. We love it when we go over there. It’s like anywhere, you have to know what to get. The best recipes we have here in Nashville are things like meatloaf with mashed potatoes and coleslaw, or chicken and dumplings. People always say: “What’s your husband buying you for Christmas?” They think it’s diamonds or whatever. Well, actually I like simple things – he just buys me things for the kitchen, like some oven mitts. I’m easy to buy for: I like baskets, lil’ tote bags, cheap costume jewellery and things for the kitchen, ’cause I love to cook.
How did you react to the news that Dolly the sheep was named after you? asparagusnextleft
I was flattered. You know, when the scientists cloned Dolly the sheep, they used the mammary glands. That’s what they call them … glands … the boobs. They said: “Oh, we have this sheep, Dolly …” Everybody always played up to these [points to her chest], so that’s why we had Dolly the sheep. I was sorry when she died, though I don’t want be cloned myself. I want to get on out of here when I can. We already get a lot of Dolly lookalikes, a lot of Dolly drag queens. I can just send them down to the store instead of me.

I’ve always wondered: recording Jolene, did you dance your ass off with the almighty swing and sass of those guitar parts? The rhythm track is amazing. It utterly makes the song and is the vital part that everybody who covers it doesn’t quite get. sfedroid
The thing I remember most was all the musicians when I came up with the little guitar lick, the Jolene lick, saying: “Damn, that’s so good. That’s the coolest little lick.” I was playing guitar pretty serious back then, before I had all the long nails. I remember all the guys learning to play it and everybody thinking how cool a rhythm it was. It was a little out of the norm for the things we’d been doing up to that time. I remember everybody in the studio just loving that song.
I’d love to know if you have a bucket list and if so, will you share something on it? LemonCactus
I guess if there was anything I wanted to do, I would. I think I just need a new bucket! I have a few little tattoos already – a few little flowers and butterflies and things. I only do it to cover little scars and little things I don’t like. I don’t have total tattoos all under my clothes. I’m not a biker chick!
Your previous album, Rockstar, was in many ways a homage to other artists you admire. Your new album, Dolly Parton and Family: Smoky Mountain DNA – Family, Faith and Fables, not only highlights the family musical roots in the Great Smoky Mountains, but is a showcase for other talented family members. I am beginning to worry that these two albums are a wrapping-up exercise and that you’re planning to retire. Please tell me I’m wrong. SpottedRichard
Oh, my Lord, I can’t retire. I always say I’ve dreamed myself into a corner. I’ve got to keep all those dreams alive. Every dream spins off into some something else. It’s misinformation when I said I was not touring any more. I still do shows – I just don’t go on the full-blown tours where I go overseas for weeks. I’m older, my husband’s older, and I want to be with him more. So, no. I couldn’t retire if I wanted to. And I don’t want to.