Former security personnel at a large Del Monte pineapple farm in Kenya have recently recounted a series of aggressive confrontations between security and thieves on the farm. The company is currently facing lawsuits for accusations of its guards engaging in acts of murder, sexual assault, and physical violence.
Del Monte has recently revealed that it will be hiring G4S to handle its security operations at the farm, resulting in the termination of employment for its 214 in-house security guards.
After conducting multiple investigations since June of last year, the Guardian and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism have uncovered accusations of violence and multiple deaths connected to Del Monte’s security guards. Therefore, a decision was made.
According to Del Monte, the decision to award the contract to G4S was based on the suggestions of a recent assessment on human rights impact, which was initiated after the incident was reported. G4S will provide 270 guards for the farm, all of whom will receive comprehensive training in de-escalation strategies and the limited use of force.
During interviews with the Guardian, five ex-employees of the farm claimed that inadequate training and Del Monte’s unfavorable interactions with community members led to escalated confrontations.
A former security staff member, who was employed by Del Monte for a decade until 2019, alleged that he witnessed individuals believed to be trespassers being attacked by Del Monte’s dogs, getting hurt from beatings by guards, or being struck by Del Monte vehicles and then discarded in the bushes near the main road. He stated that some of them were found alive and rescued, while the fate of others remained unknown.
The former guard stated that they began to realize that this job was not suitable for them. They had been warned by their mother, and as someone from the community, they witnessed people they knew suffering at the hands of the guards.
He stated that the senior guards had sold stolen pineapples, which he considered to be a lucrative operation. Additionally, he alleged that the commanders had purposely relocated patrol teams to avoid being caught while selling the pineapples.
A previous high-ranking security officer, who had been employed at the farm for 13 years before being let go during the G4S transition, stated that upon starting his job, he was provided with a baton and given “basic instruction” on how to handle intruders, which primarily involved physical training.
He stated that they were instructed to “use minimum force” only in mid-2023. This shift in strategy seems to align with the release of the initial articles from The Guardian and TBIJ in June 2023, accusing the guards of using excessive violence.
The security personnel stated that the local neighborhood was known for its violence and frequent assaults against them. They also expressed their opinion that the fault lied with the company for not fostering a positive connection with the community, who felt that they were not reaping any benefits from Del Monte.
According to him, the thieves were knowledgeable about the farm and were aware of the exact location of ripe pineapples. He also mentioned that there were insiders at the farm who provided the thieves with a significant amount of information, allowing them to be one step ahead most of the time. In certain instances, they even had more information than the owners.
Security guards reported that a security manager who was recently hired had departed last month, and two zone managers were fired following reports of four individuals perishing while attempting to steal pineapples in December. The Guardian disclosed in the previous month that representatives from Del Monte Kenya faced allegations of offering bribes in order to conceal the situation.
Numerous ex-guards have been demonstrating in front of Del Monte, claiming that they were fired suddenly. A representative from Del Monte stated that the dismissals followed Kenyan regulations and were made in collaboration with the union.
The family attorneys involved in the civil case against Del Monte were given approval during a court hearing on Thursday to make revisions to their case. They are planning to include numerous new claimants.
Fresh Del Monte, which is headquartered in Florida, is contesting its responsibility for a case in Kenya due to its incorporation in the Cayman Islands. Its branch, Del Monte Kenya, has not objected to the lawsuit and plans to address the accusations.
A representative from Del Monte Kenya stated: “We are grateful for the chance to respond to the accusations made against us and the Kenyan government in the appropriate setting, which is the Kenyan legal system rather than the press.”
Mwangi Macharia, the leader of the African Centre for Corrective and Preventive Action, is filing a civil lawsuit against Del Monte on behalf of families. He believes that the recent change in security staff at Del Monte is an acknowledgement of their involvement in human rights violations. This serves as vindication for those of us who have been dismissed when presenting these allegations.
I believe it would be irresponsible to simply replace the guards with G4S security without also engaging the community. It is important to have a dialogue with stakeholders. By only changing the guards and not addressing these issues, we may still face challenges as human rights advocates.
The spokesperson for Del Monte Kenya stated that G4S was awarded the contract based on the recommendation of the Human Rights Impact Assessment, rather than as an admission of any wrongdoing.
They stated that the accusations against Del Monte Kenya in the media are a part of a larger campaign of disinformation meant to force the company to give up land that rightfully belongs to them. The legal action being taken against the attorney general, director of public prosecutions, and Del Monte Kenya is being pursued by the same groups that have been pressuring the company to relinquish its land.
The trial allows all involved parties to present proof, rather than baseless claims, in a public setting. We believe that the proceedings will uncover the truth and clear our reputation.
G4S refused to provide a statement.
Source: theguardian.com