Recent studies have shown that while there is an increase in cancer diagnosis among middle-aged individuals, the number of deaths from this disease has decreased due to advancements in detection and treatment methods.
Cancer experts quoted in the British Medical Journal, which released the paper, describe the results as “encouraging and comforting” for individuals between the ages of 35 and 69.
During the period of 1993 to 2018, Cancer Research UK (CRUK) played a significant role in a study that showed an increase in cancer cases within age group. Despite this, the study also revealed a decrease of 37% for men and 33% women in mortality rates caused by the disease within the same 25-year timeframe.
During the study, it was observed that the general mortality rate of cancer decreased for middle-aged individuals, including a significant decrease in 17 of the 23 most common types of cancer. This research, the first of its kind in Britain, analyzed trends in the occurrence and death rates of cancer over a extended period of time.
As a demonstration, the mortality rate of women affected by cervical cancer decreased by 54.3%. The Cancer Research UK (CRUK) organization expressed that this was a result of the widespread use of the HPV vaccination and advancements in screening, which have worked together to hinder the development of cancer and halt its progression.
In the same way, the number of deaths caused by lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the UK, has dropped by 53.2% among men and 20.7% among women, due to a decrease in smoking rates. Death rates have also decreased for breast and bowel cancer, most likely due to improved screening methods resulting in earlier detection and faster treatment.
The Cancer Research UK (CRUK) worked together with the University of Leeds, University College London, and Public Health Scotland to conduct research. They examined data on cancer registrations and population in the UK dating back to 1993 in order to identify any changes over the years.
The BMJ publication reported a significant decrease in cancer deaths over the past 25 years for individuals aged 35-69, regardless of gender.
This decrease can be attributed to the advancements in preventing cancer. These include policies and programs for stopping smoking, earlier detection through screening programs, and the development of better diagnostic tests.
The largest decreases in cancer death rates were seen in men for stomach cancer, mesothelioma (linked to asbestos exposure), and bladder cancer, as well as in women for stomach cancer, cervical cancer, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Unfortunately, not everything was positive. The specialists also observed a 57% increase in cancer cases among middle-aged men and a 48% increase among middle-aged women. This was largely due to a rise in prostate and breast cancer, the most prevalent forms among men and women, respectively.
Experts have reported concerning yearly rises of 2% or more for four types of cancer: liver, melanoma, oral, and kidney.
The increase in instances among individuals aged 35 to 69 has been attributed by CRUK to both the increasing population and various “lifestyle factors”, such as obesity, alcohol consumption, and sun exposure.
The CEO of the charity, Michelle Mitchell, expressed that the significant decrease in cancer mortality rates is a result of unified efforts in fighting against the disease, ultimately saving lives. She encouraged Rishi Sunak to continue this progress by implementing his proposal to increase the legal age to purchase tobacco annually and also investing more in programs to help people quit smoking.
Steve Russell, the NHS England’s director responsible for vaccination and screening, expressed his satisfaction with the report, which showcases the notable progress in cancer survival rates.
“The NHS is determined to build on these improvements, so we are working hard to achieve our ambitions of seeing 55,000 more people each year surviving their cancer for five years or longer by 2028 and three-quarters of people with cancer being diagnosed at an early stage by 2028.”
Obesity is a known contributor to 13 types of illnesses, such as liver and kidney cancer. Dr. Helen Croker, assistant director of policy and research at the World Cancer Research Fund, advised government officials to take action in order to lower obesity rates in Britain.
Source: theguardian.com