A former teacher from Edinburgh Academy has been accused in court of physically assaulting and choking boys.

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In court, it has been alleged that a former teacher at a prestigious Scottish private school, deemed “sadistic”, physically harmed and choked young boys under his supervision, resulting in some being rendered unconscious.

Former students of Edinburgh Academy, which is known as one of the most esteemed private schools in Scotland, have made allegations that John Brownlee, currently 89 years old, subjected boys as young as eight to abuse and terror while working as a teacher and running a boarding house at the school from 1967 to 1987.

The Edinburgh sheriff court was presented with testimony that Brownlee regularly and consistently used a wooden paddle called a clacken to physically harm the boys, as well as hitting, kicking, and punching them without any reason – claims that Brownlee has denied in the past.


The individuals who have testified before the court, including 55-year-old Neil McDonald, a former army officer, have claimed that the most severe violations occurred at Dundas House, the boarding house for the prep school located near the Royal Botanic Garden in the city.

In court, McDonald stated that Brownlee would forcefully hit boys’ heads against a wall or their desks while they were doing homework. If he was extremely upset, Brownlee would grab the back of a boy’s collar and tighten his knuckles, using the boy’s shirt to choke him.

During his testimony, he described how the perpetrator would grab him by the collar and physically assault him. At the time, he was only eight years old and was unable to defend himself against the force of the kicks. After the assault, he was thrown against a wall and left feeling scared, crying and a complete mess.

Like many other people who were present, McDonald stated that his interactions with Brownlee had resulted in serious and ongoing psychological issues. A mental health professional had officially diagnosed him with post-traumatic stress disorder. During his testimony, McDonald admitted, “I despise myself. I view myself as a despicable and worthless person. I can’t bear to be in my own skin.”

The court is holding a unique hearing to discuss 36 counts of physical attacks, causing injuries and inhuman treatment against 38 former students. It is proceeding without a jury as Brownlee was deemed unable to stand trial due to dementia.

The hearing, referred to as a fact-finding inquiry, is scheduled to span three weeks and will enable Sheriff Ian Anderson to make a decision based on evidence regarding Brownlee’s guilt, without a formal criminal verdict.

This is the initial lawsuit against five ex-employees of Edinburgh Academy who have been charged with assaulting students, including instances of rape and attempted rape. The deceased Hamish Dawson, a former teacher, is accused of multiple sexual assaults against male students at the school.

The BBC broadcaster Nicky Campbell – a day pupil at the school from 1966 to 1978 and one of Dawson’s alleged victims – told the court on Wednesday that Brownlee was by turns charismatic and arbitrarily violent.

According to reports, Brownlee would frequently gather boys in the classroom to receive punishment with the clachan – a bat used by the academy for a traditional game called hailes.

Campbell expressed that the experience was extremely terrible and mentally anguishing. Waiting felt like psychological torture, comparable to a cow awaiting its fate in a slaughterhouse, instilling a strong sense of fear.

During one incident, Brownlee supposedly struck Campbell repeatedly on the back of his neck and head, delivering blows in a manner described as “a knuckle dance on my skull”.

Campbell stated that experiencing abuse and sexual assault from colleagues has resulted in him having panic attacks, anxiety disorders, and nightmares. He expressed that it has had a profound impact on him, noting that “he” (the perpetrator) is constantly on his mind even at night.

A different ex-student recounted an incident where Brownlee hurled a chalk duster at him, causing it to dent the wall with significant impact. The ex-student also claimed that Brownlee would occasionally strike boys with his hands or feet in a seemingly playful manner. Another individual accused Brownlee of making nine and ten-year-old boys shovel snow in his garden as punishment for being hit with a snowball.

Someone else, who wishes to remain anonymous, reported that Brownlee attacked him violently, constantly slamming a folding blackboard door on his head while spitting on him until he passed out.

A previous resident of Dundas House, John Graham, testified in court this week that Brownlee would intentionally cause pain by forcefully combing the boys’ hair with a steel comb in the morning to create a specific style.

He recalled being punished for an altercation with another boy with the clachan, used on his bare buttocks. Brownlee allegedly rubbed his hands over his behind before ordering him to take a cold bath. “It’s humiliating,” Graham said. “You couldn’t tell anyone anything – you would get battered.”

Source: theguardian.com

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