The trend of red-headed American women traveling to Ireland for poorly-made romantic comedies with a magical theme still persists, even after 14 years since Amy Adams suffered through the terrible Leap Year. Adams’ co-star Matthew Goode even described the film as “boring” just weeks after its release. While this new film lacks the same level of prestige – Adams was a two-time Oscar nominee starring in her first romcom – it still falls short as a forgettable movie disguised as a commercial for Irish tourism.
That might have sounded like a big enough get for star Lindsay Lohan a few years ago, when she was still trying to break her way out of Hollywood jail. A mixture of bad film choices, bad life decisions and bad behaviour left her an uninsurable pariah, even if she had also been the victim of an industry that made it almost impossible for her to emerge from her teenage years unscathed. But 2022 allowed her a foot back in the door, thanks to Netflix’s nostalgia lust with the junky festive romcom Falling for Christmas. It was as disposable as the streamer’s many, many, many other seasonal offerings but it was a major win for Lohan, her first lead in almost a decade and reportedly the most watched new Christmas movie that year.
The previous movie she starred in, although unremarkable, should have been enough to advance her career and move her away from mediocre roles. However, she has returned for another attempt in Irish Wish, which turns out to be even more uninteresting than her previous film. Her anonymity in the last Netflix romantic comedy may have been more understandable due to the holiday season, when many low-quality movies are given a pass in the name of festive cheer. But without the distraction of holiday-themed visuals and music, we are left to notice the flaws that the filmmakers probably didn’t want us to see.
Irish Wish has been linked to St. Patrick’s Day, but it offers more than just Irish scenery. It’s as Irish as a box of Lucky Charms, which may be too sweet for some. Lead actress Lohan, who surely enjoyed a nice vacation, plays Maddie, a book editor deeply in love with famous Irish author Alexander Vlahos. However, she lacks the courage to confess her feelings. In a cliché and overly obvious beginning, we learn that she is a) adorably clumsy, b) lives in a cheap knock-off New York, c) is the daughter of Jane Seymour’s school principal in Ohio, d) is honest with her mother but not with her friends, and e) introduces them to the author. This sets the stage for a 27 Dresses-esque situation where one of her friends falls for the author. Eventually, Lohan travels to Ireland for their wedding and meets a handsome Englishman, Ed Speleers, along the way. She initially dislikes him for no real reason until she makes a wish on an ancient stone to become the real bride, granted by a mystical Irish woman.
If you didn’t already realize, Irish Wish makes it quite obvious in its opening scene that it introduces the concept of a wish for those who are unfamiliar. The film also provides the audience with a definition of Irish identity, as Lohan’s romantic interest is an Englishman and the film’s portrayal of a famous Irish author is played by a Welsh actor. The local pub, which is celebrated for its traditional Irish dance and famous fish and chips, adds to the Irish atmosphere. However, the film’s most admirable aspect is its scenic views, especially when Lohan sips on a pint of Guinness.
There are certainly more elements present that serve as a reminder of Lohan’s enduring charm, but unfortunately that’s not sufficient enough to divert from the fact that the writing lacks energy and is unimpressive. It’s disheartening to see her still confined to this type of role. By this point, shouldn’t she have earned the chance to star in one of the classier romantic comedies on streaming platforms, like last month’s surprisingly good Players? During brief glimpses in the film, there is some potential for her character to explore the psychological implications of the story, creating a more captivating aspect – similar to Julia Robert’s anti-hero in My Best Friend’s Wedding. This is an edge that we yearn for when watching something that is overwhelmingly mundane.
Netflix has a reputation for producing mundane content that can serve as background noise while completing mundane tasks such as ironing. However, this is not the type of content that we hope for from Lohan, who has recently made a comeback in the acting world and deserves more substantial roles.
The popular film “Irish Wish” can now be found on the streaming service Netflix.
Source: theguardian.com