Liz Truss and Jacob Rees-Mogg criticize “left-wing extremists” and “Davos man” during the launch of a new Tory group – live updates.

Between 12:18pm and 12:29pm, it is uncertain how much backing there is from the public for this plan, but it is expected to be well-received by the party members who will elect the next leader. Nevertheless, it deviates from traditional Conservative values, as stated by William Hague, a previous party leader, in his article for The Times today. He outlined five “rules” essential for Tory triumph:

Another guideline is to collaborate with elites and the broader population, rather than creating division. Throughout history, conservative leaders have not gained popularity by attacking their country’s institutions or business sector. While there are many areas of the British government that require improvement, leaders like Churchill and Thatcher carefully selected individuals who could effectively bring about change and maintain a functional system. Fears of “anti-growth coalitions” are unfounded and only appeal to populist views. Successful conservative leaders have always sought expert advice and held their governments to high standards of ethics and honesty.

  • The opposition’s spokesperson for health, Wes Streeting, has stated that the government’s proposed plan for dental recovery is strikingly similar to Labour’s. This statement follows a BBC report which revealed that the plan includes offering cash incentives to dentists who take on NHS patients and sending teams to schools to provide dental care for children. The government’s plan was set to be released tomorrow, but it was mistakenly sent to MPs via email. Previously, when a story broke about a large number of people waiting in line outside a dental office in Bristol that accepts NHS patients, the Labour party used the opportunity to reference a well-known Conservative election poster against them.

According to a survey conducted by YouGov, the majority of individuals (72%) believe it was not appropriate for Rishi Sunak to take a £1,000 wager on the effectiveness of his Rwanda policy. Only 14% of respondents found this to be acceptable, according to the poll results.

Michelle O’Neill, the first minister of Northern Ireland, stated. According to PA Media:

This morning, the Stormont parties came together to request that prime minister Rishi Sunak provide Northern Ireland with the necessary resources to ensure efficient provision of public services.

After a discussion in the chamber, the motion was unanimously approved.

The SDLP, an opposition party, proposed a change that urges the finance minister, Caoimhe Archibald, to collaborate with other ministers to create budgeted proposals for urgent matters. This proposal was also approved.

The assembly voted unanimously to support the letter written by all executive ministers to Prime Minister Sunak, which urges for our public finances to be managed responsibly and for the executive to have adequate resources to provide efficient public services.

The conservative party has faced challenges in achieving their desired goals due to Britain’s predominantly liberal stance.

Explaining the ideology of her newly formed group, Popular Conservatism, she stated:

For the past 14 years, our government has been led by the Conservative party and we have accomplished a number of significant feats, such as securing trade deals for Brexit and preventing Jeremy Corbyn from becoming prime minister.

However, despite having a Conservative government, one of the issues we face is the proliferation of wokery and left-wing ideologies in our schools, universities, and corporate sector.

The purpose of PopCon is to address the pressing concerns that the people of Britain want us to tackle.

The level of immigration is excessive and the government is too large with high taxes. However, the dominant ideology that we often hear is from the left. PopCon aims to challenge this and promote a positive image of being a Conservative.

Lewis Goodall, host of the News Agents podcast, provided excellent coverage on X as well. Below are a few of his posts from 12.18pm and 12.26pm.

Mark Littlewood began the “popcon” event by stating that it is not focused on the leadership of the Conservative Party. Instead, they aim to establish themselves as a truly grassroots movement.

Littlewood argues that our parliament does not control us, but rather it is a system of state organizations and left-wing infrastructure that governs us. He suggests that a major restructuring of the state is needed. Littlewood’s ideology aligns with that of right-wing Bennism, which prioritizes the role of the state over the market.

According to Truss, democracy is no longer popular among young people. However, she may be mistaken and actually be referring to conservatism. Truss also claims that Britain is filled with “hidden conservatives,” which aligns with the beliefs of Bennism. The voting population does consist of conservatives, but they need to be motivated by a genuine ideology.

One aspect of the launch that has not been extensively discussed, as far as I can tell, is the division within the Trussite faction. (This is similar to the situation with Bennism.) Initially, both Sir Simon Clarke and Ranil Jayawardena were scheduled to speak. They both had roles in her cabinet and were aligned with her politically. However, Clarke was removed from the event after attempting to overthrow Rishi Sunak’s leadership on his own, and Jayawardena tweeted last night that he would not attend, suggesting he believed the PopCons were being disloyal.

We have advanced and must continue to follow the plan of eliminating the bureaucracy that has hindered Britain’s progress.

❌The Labour party would bring us back to the starting point.

I will not be present tomorrow. Instead, I will continue to advocate for growth, using the shared values of British politics.

This provides three classifications of Trussites: those who are openly against Sunak (Clarke), those who appear to be in favor (Jayawardena), and those who fall somewhere in the middle (Truss herself).

There was a recent development in the evidence presented today. It has been reported that Kwasi Kwarteng and Truss used to have a strong relationship, but it apparently soured when she fired him. Is it just a coincidence that he announced his resignation from parliament on the same day his former boss, who is known for seeking attention, launched PopCons?

The board of the Post Office is being criticized for a “fatal flaw” in its management of companies under its supervision.

The director of UK Government Investments (UKGI), which oversees state-owned companies like NatWest and Channel 4, acknowledged the need to investigate the Post Office board’s lack of inquisitiveness regarding the scandal that led to the unjust prosecution of over 900 subpostmasters.

The committee overseeing the Treasury in the UK interviewed UKGI officials who have a representative on the Post Office’s board, to inquire about why the government did not intervene earlier, considering they had a shareholder representative with direct involvement in the company’s management and operations.

Labour MP for Selby and Ainsty, Keir Mather, raised concerns about the inactive response from the Treasury-owned UKGI and questioned if this reflected a lack of strong measures. He also questioned the effectiveness of having a shareholder representative, as it undermines the government’s claim that it cannot exercise oversight of the Post Office.

Mark Sweney’s report, available here, discusses a Member of Parliament’s criticism of a major issue in the government’s management of the Post Office IT scandal.


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