Del Monte Kenya’s representatives have been accused of providing bribes in an effort to conceal the details surrounding the death of four individuals who attempted to steal pineapples from their farm in December.
The male individuals’ remains were found in a river on the expansive farm close to Thika on December 24th and 25th of the previous year. They were among a cohort of men who allegedly fled from the plantation’s security personnel after attempting to steal pineapples on December 21st.
A joint inquiry conducted by the Guardian and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism has revealed accusations that Del Monte Kenya officials made numerous efforts to bribe groups of individuals following the fatalities.
According to statements and interviews, the men who were part of the group that attempted to steal from the farm reported witnessing their companions being severely injured by guards wielding metal rods near the pineapple field. They also claimed that two of their friends were rendered unable to move after being thrown into the river by the guards, and that another was hit in the head with a stone as he tried to swim away.
During interviews and written statements, Del Monte employees have been accused of enticing individuals with job opportunities and monetary compensation in exchange for providing false testimonies that the men drowned while fleeing a failed raid.

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The Guardian has reviewed the autopsies for two individuals, which determine they passed away from drowning. However, the reports also mention injuries to the head, face, and ribs that suggest they may have suffered from blunt-force trauma, potentially contributing to their drowning.
Bernard Mutua, Francis Muimi, Mbae Murumbi, and another individual called Mkisii (whose identity and cause of death are still unknown) were the male individuals involved.
Del Monte Kenya, which supplies most British supermarkets, said in December that the men had gone into the river themselves and that there had been “no foul play”. It also said that CCTV showed the guards had stopped chasing them, but it has not shared the footage.
The corporation stated that they had proof that contradicted the testimony given by the witnesses. Del Monte released a statement saying, “We have presented our evidence to the relevant legal authorities, which contradicts the information you provided.”
Last year in June, The Guardian and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism reported allegations of violence and killings by Del Monte security guards. They have since investigated nine deaths that have been linked to these guards. Kenya’s National Commission on Human Rights is currently conducting their own investigation of the farm.

Recently, there have been additional fatalities following the discovery of Peter Mutuku Mutisya’s body in a dam on the farm, showing signs of injuries. A private report on the farm’s violations of human rights, which was reviewed by the Guardian last month, was strongly condemnatory and alleged that the company’s workers were collaborating with a group of thieves by sharing information with them.
Participants in the December 21st attack assert that Del Monte representatives made multiple efforts to enlist their support in the weeks following the discovery of their friends’ bodies. They allege that the company’s representatives offered bribes to individuals in order to convince them to provide statements backing the farm’s narrative: that the men had drowned while attempting to flee by crossing the river.
Michael, whose name has been changed to protect his identity, said he had been sitting with friends in Gachagi, a slum near the farm, when they were approached by a Del Monte official and a village elder. He said they had come in a Del Monte Land Cruiser with two guards and offered cash and jobs to anyone who would come with them.
Michael stated that he and 10 others were enticed by the offer of money and decided to board. He recounted that upon entering, a village leader instructed them to stick to a united front, denying any claims of people being murdered. The instructed narrative was that the four individuals had willingly jumped into the river. Michael added that this same message was reiterated by the Del Monte representative.
Michael mentioned that upon their arrival at a nearby chief’s camp, they were unexpectedly joined by three police officers and Del Monte’s head of security. Michael further stated that they were then asked to provide written statements, which some of them objected to, as they had only anticipated receiving payment and employment opportunities. He noted that four individuals eventually complied with the request.
In legally binding statements, two additional individuals, referred to as James and Peter, recount similar encounters with Del Monte representatives. They have also provided signed statements stating that they observed Del Monte security personnel using metal rods to assault men, throwing two individuals into the river, and pelting them with stones while they attempted to swim.

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James and Peter stated that they were part of a group in Gachagi when they were approached by Del Monte employees in a company car. The officials offered them job opportunities, but requested to hear their account of the events on December 21st beforehand.
According to the men, during the incident in which four individuals drowned while attempting to swim, a young man shouted that they had drowned. One of the officials allegedly stated that the young man wanted people like himself to be employed. The men’s sworn statements state that the young man who made the comment was not present with them at the time of the incident.
Del Monte funded the attendance of their personal pathologist at the postmortem for the December deaths. This pathologist was also present at Peter Mutuku Mutisya’s postmortem and determined that there were no injuries. During a press conference after the autopsies, Dr Mutuma seemed to minimize the seriousness of the injuries, stating that the three young men passed away from drowning and the injuries could not have caused their deaths.
Dr. Bernard Midia, a pathologist sent by the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights to conduct the postmortem examination, reported that one of the victims had sustained injuries on their chest and left side, which appeared to be caused by blunt force trauma in addition to other injuries.
He stated that the injuries may have been a result of physical assault and could have played a role in the individual’s drowning. This is because they could have hindered their ability to swim. He also mentioned that post-mortem marks can occur if a body collides with objects in the water.