People regularly invoke your name as someone they’d like to join them at the perfect dinner party. Are you such a fantastic guest? hhhhssss
When individuals make this statement, my typical response is: “Oh, you haven’t witnessed me eating.” It is quite endearing to hear, a method in which people tend to describe characteristics of individuals they look up to or admire, kindly imagining that I am a good speaker or witty in some way, while hoping I am also friendly. The usual names mentioned include Winston Churchill and Oscar Wilde, and I am always overwhelmed with a sense of inadequacy, but I do not wish to bore anyone with the traditional British modesty routine. I will simply say that it is a great privilege, and I do my best to uphold it at dinner parties. However, have you noticed that there are fewer of them since the advent of Covid? Or perhaps it is just that I am no longer being invited.
“If all else fails, stubbornly refusing to accept the truth will help us get through.” Could Melchett be considered the originator of Brexit? – Shauny79
Whoever asked the question made a perceptive observation about how Melchett’s speech, which I thoroughly enjoyed delivering, perfectly mirrors the attitude towards Brexit: a stubborn refusal to face the truth. Portraying Melchett was one of the highlights of my career. Being given the freedom to embody such strong eccentricity and erratic insanity is a fantastic opportunity for any actor.

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What is your weak spot when it comes to trivia quizzes? vastariner
I am not familiar with popular culture or pop culture in general. I am not able to differentiate between the Kardashians. I know they exist and have names starting with K, but I am not pretending to be ignorant, I genuinely do not understand. I do not see the need to research the Kardashian family on Wikipedia. I am aware that they are well-known, and any popular phenomenon is noteworthy in human history. However, there are limits to what I can pay attention to. Therefore, I am not knowledgeable about K-pop, Girls Aloud, indie music, or hip-hop. My husband is a big fan of hip-hop and has introduced me to the talent of Kendrick Lamar. I have come to appreciate Eminem’s poetic abilities and find him exciting to listen to, but I typically do not play his music when I am driving.
“Is it true that you received a generous amount of Turkish Delight for being the most intelligent boy at Cambridge University and knowing the most complicated words, while Hugh Laurie received a small truck for having exceptionally large eyes in college (as shown in the comic strip Fry’s Turkish Delight from Viz)? – TopTramp
Someone did send me a scan of it, and I was of course simultaneously thrilled, horrified and deeply honoured to be in the pages of that sensational magazine. If prizes were being given for the boggliest eyes, surely Hugh would have won. I don’t remember anyone else at the university with bogglier. Would I have been the brainiest boy at Cambridge University? The thing is, when you go to a place like Cambridge, the first person you’d meet is someone who speaks seven languages, then you turn around and there’s a person who’s doing binomials and polynomials in their head. I can understand all the hatred and contempt for Oxbridge and these kinds of great British institutions that were once so lauded and praised.
How do you handle the aging process? Bustersmyboss
I actually enjoy it. Although there are some issues, such as leaks and creaks. As a baby boomer, it’s quite fascinating to be part of the generation that has been the primary target for sugary cereal and candy advertisements on television since birth. As we got older, we also became known as yuppies, the generation that spent money. But now, as baby boomers, we are bombarded with advertisements for things like insurance, funeral plans, and products for aging comfortably, such as bath aids, mobility scooters, and incontinence pads. It seems like there are more advertisements geared towards us than towards children. And it’s interesting because I never considered myself to be cute when I was younger. In fact, I believe I have aged gracefully. I feel more comfortable in my mid-60s than I did in my youth when I was awkward and looked older than I actually was. It was a strange and confusing feeling. Now, I have embraced my age and it seems to suit me well.

Why haven’t you created time travel or a cure for cancer if you’re so intelligent? -TurangaLeela2 and TopTramp4
Is it being claimed that I have not, did not, would not, am not at this very moment? No, you are correct. Goodness gracious, I wish I possessed such cleverness. There are different types of cleverness. There is quick wit, there is intellectual acumen. When you observe someone like Lee Mack, you cannot help but wonder: “How does the mind function that rapidly?” Then there are others who possess a verbal dexterity and can seamlessly talk about philosophy, history, and poetry all at once. And then there are those who possess a kind of intelligence that is wisdom, an understanding of human behavior that is not reliant on education. Knowing how to navigate through life does not require education. People often use the expression “cannot sit the right way on a toilet seat” to indicate a lack of common sense. However, there are many different forms of intelligence. I am cognizant of my ability to articulate and my good memory, and I am grateful for those traits. If only they could aid in finding a cure for cancer.
What would have happened if it was Laurie and Fry and your career had taken the path of Hugh’s and him yours? TurangaLeela2
I envy Hugh’s athletic abilities in sports like tennis, cricket, football, and rowing, while I struggle to even dive into a swimming pool. I wish I could sing and play an instrument like him and spend my days at the piano. Comparing myself to him is like a platypus trying to fly like an eagle, saying “If only I could do this or that.” Hugh’s life is admirable and well-deserved, with the love and admiration he receives from others. He is a kind, wise, funny, and talented man. In many ways, his life is more desirable than mine, yet I would not trade places with him. This brings us back to your question about growing old. As we age, we come to terms with the fact that our life is our own, with all its mistakes, regrets, and wishes. Despite wishing for different outcomes, we ultimately accept that our life is unique and we wouldn’t have it any other way.