The United Kingdom has put a halt to negotiations with Canada regarding trade, citing concerns that there has been no significant progress being made.

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Negotiations between the UK and Canada on trade have been suspended due to a disagreement over beef and cheese.

For the past two years, the two nations have been engaged in discussions following Britain’s departure from the European Union. Trade has remained unchanged, with the same agreement in place as when the UK was part of the union.

A representative from the UK government stated: “We have consistently stated that we will only engage in trade negotiations that benefit the citizens of Britain. We also maintain the option to temporarily halt negotiations with any country if satisfactory progress is not being achieved.”

We are willing to resume negotiations with Canada in the future to create a more robust trade partnership that benefits companies and customers on both sides of the Atlantic.

In March 2022, negotiations began between Britain and various nations as a result of its departure from the European Union. This decision has left Britain unable to participate in the EU’s current free trade agreements.

The UK was previously permitted to sell cars and cheese in Canada without paying import taxes. However, the Canadian government is now under pressure from the beef industry and domestic cheese producers.

The UK had been engaging in trade with Canada using terms that were mostly similar to those that were in place during the UK’s membership in the EU.

A representative for Mary Ng, the Canadian Minister of Trade, expressed disappointment that talks with the UK have been put on hold. The UK’s refusal to remove market barriers for our agriculture industry and their lack of willingness to come to a mutual agreement have caused negotiations to come to a standstill.

Ng reached out to Kemi Badenoch, the British business minister, to convey Canada’s discontent, according to the spokesperson.

Prior to the UK’s departure from the EU in late 2020, Canada extended current trade agreements in order to maintain free trade.

A deal regarding access to cheese has expired and a Canadian government official accused Britain of failing to extend the agreement.

An official informed Reuters that due to delayed negotiations, Britain is now anticipating Canada to simply provide them with the necessary items.

Both parties expressed their willingness to continue negotiations. Based on the latest data from the UK government, the combined trade of goods and services between the two countries was valued at £25.9 billion for the period ending June 30, 2023, with Canada ranking as Britain’s 18th largest trading partner.

A spokesperson for farmers emphasized the importance of prohibiting the import of beef treated with hormones into the UK.

According to Minette Batters, president of the National Farmers’ Union of England and Wales, the halt in trade negotiations was welcomed by farmers.

She stated on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “This has been a longstanding effort to improve the trade partnership between the UK and Canada.”

The topic of agricultural product trade is always the primary focus and the final decision. I am glad that the government has remained steadfast and has not compromised.

The players stated during the show: “Canada has utilized cheese as a bargaining tool. We were no longer able to enter their market after 2023, and they included it in further discussions.”

Last year, the prime minister made a written statement declaring that he would not be importing hormone-treated beef or chrome washed chicken.

Canada has been tough in negotiations for a significant period of time. It was inevitable that a decisive moment would arise to determine who would give in.

Based on information from Canada, the trade between Canada and Britain in 2022 made up 2.7% of Canada’s overall trade.


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