The son of slain Amazon activist Bruno Pereira is battling a rare type of cancer.

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Prominent figures in Brazil, including artists, Indigenous advocates, and government officials, are calling on individuals to donate to a fund in support of Bruno Pereira’s son. Pereira, an Amazon activist who was killed, has a son who was recently diagnosed with a rare type of cancer.

Last year, Pedro Pereira, the five-year-old child of anthropologist Beatriz Matos and Bruno Pereira, who was ambushed and killed in the western Amazon in June 2022 with British journalist Dom Phillips, was found to have stage four neuroblastoma.

After undergoing chemotherapy for five months, he needs to undergo a course of treatment with the medication Qarziba. However, this drug is not covered by Brazil’s public health system, Sus, and each dose costs approximately 88,000 reais (£14,200, $18,000).

A fundraiser called #SavePedro is seeking to collect 2 million reais in order to ensure that the young boy receives the necessary treatment to save his life.

A boy smiles for a photo

Prominent individuals such as Sônia Guajajara, the minister for Indigenous peoples, Kleber Mendonça Filho, a film-maker, and Xuxa Meneghel, a well-known TV presenter in Brazil, have utilized social media to promote the campaign and encourage donations. They also highlight Pereira’s unwavering dedication to safeguarding the Amazon and its Indigenous communities.

Beto Marubo, a leader of the Indigenous community in the Javari valley and a close friend of the slain activist, expressed regret for not being able to support his father in defending their land. However, he is now calling on others to assist in ensuring that [Pereira’s] son receives proper care and is kept safe.

“It is incredibly heartbreaking. We are discussing a five-year-old child who has gone through so much with his father,” said Marubo, the child’s godfather.

Sônia Bridi, a journalist who directed the documentary “Valley of the Isolated” about the murders of Pereira and Phillips, stated that Little Pedro’s father was killed due to a mistake made by the Brazilian government. It is imperative that we prevent another tragedy by not allowing neglect to harm Bruno’s son as well.

Bridi expressed sadness at the thought of a mother who has not had sufficient time to mourn the death of her husband and is now facing a grave illness in her young son. Bridi has been monitoring the family’s journey as Pedro undergoes treatment and is optimistic that the crowdfunding efforts could also aid in making the necessary medication accessible through the Sus and other healthcare programs.

Phillips’ relatives have also participated in the online efforts to promote the campaign, which has received over 10,000 pledges so far.

Last year, three fisherman were arrested for the murder of Pereira and Phillips. They are currently incarcerated and awaiting a jury trial.


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