On the first day of Davos, Volodymyr Zelenskiy gains backing for Ukraine following a positive meeting with CEOs – live updates on business.

I appreciate Davos for their assistance in the current conflict against Russia.

Coons, whose badge features the flags of both the United States and Ukraine, states that the meeting was a success and provided a great deal of encouragement. He also mentions that it demonstrated both business and national support for Ukraine.

Coons explains that Zelenskiy provided us with an update regarding the ongoing war with Russia and the resilience of the Ukrainian people.

“He encouraged us to remain steadfast like the Ukrainian people and see this through.”

Coons informs us that there were several bankers present, including Brian Moynihan from Bank of America, as well as the leader of fertilizer company Yara.

Senator Coons also mentions that the CEO of Youtube discussed the actions they have taken to remove Russian disinformation and negative content, as well as ensuring access to learning for students, communication for businesses, and functioning for government.

Ursula von der Leyen strongly expressed her admiration for her six trips to Kiev during the war, emphasizing the impressive efforts to fight corruption and promote transparency in order to establish a favorable business climate.

Participants were also briefed by Jens Stoltenburg, the leader of Nato, on the current state of the conflict and the significant advancements made in the Black Sea region, as well as the challenges posed by the upcoming spring and summer offensives.

Coons reports that Stoltenburg urged everyone to persevere and stay resolute.

Penny Pritzker, the designated US representative for the economic recovery of Ukraine, discussed her recent trip to Kyiv with a group of American business delegates to showcase the potential opportunities.

Coons, who was seated beside Germany’s economy minister Robert Habeck, also had positive things to say about Ukraine. He informed us:

In my previous manufacturing company, we believed in the idea of “hiring for attitude and training for skill”.

The citizens of Ukraine have demonstrated their fierce determination, positive mindset, strong work ethic, and excellent skills in engineering, technical ability, and agility. They have also shown the ability to persevere even when facing overwhelming odds against a larger opponent.

That’s an excellent location for investment.

I discussed the Marshall Plan and emphasized that it was not simply a charitable act, but rather served to protect American security and economic interests.

A European banker noted that although the Marshall Plan was beneficial, it took several years for America to provide assistance after the war had ended.

According to Coons, the process can begin prior to the end of the war, in regions of the country that are less impacted by the conflict and have stability and security.

He says:

We must start now, do we have to wait until it’s completely and finally finished?

During the meeting, Coons expressed assurance that the United States will provide the requested $61 billion in supplemental funding as proposed by President Biden.

Coons, a close supporter of Biden, informs us:

There will be much disagreement and commotion, but I am certain that it will subside within a few weeks.

At the meeting, Von der Leyen expressed her assurance that the EU’s 50 billion euros allocated for development over the next four years will be approved.

During the meeting, Coons mentioned worries about the Middle East potentially overshadowing Ukraine’s importance on the geopolitical agenda.

However, he believes that there are senators on both sides who are willing to protect and aid Ukraine.

According to him, the financial aid from the US has greatly benefited Ukraine’s agricultural industry and overall economy, with notable growth being seen this year.

The growth rate for this year has reached nearly 5%, despite being in the midst of a brutal war. The conflict has rendered vast areas of land unusable due to mines and unexploded bombs, with tens of thousands of able-bodied men deployed to the front lines and millions of citizens forced to flee their homes.

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Today at Davos, it was stated that a groundbreaking discovery in energy is crucial for the advancement of artificial intelligence in the future. It is predicted that AI will require much more energy than previously thought.

During a Bloomberg event at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Altman noted that while there are concerns about AI’s impact on the environment, there is hope in the development of sustainable energy sources such as nuclear fusion and more affordable solar power and storage.

He said:

Without a breakthrough, it is impossible to reach that destination.

“It inspires us to increase our investment in fusion.”

Altman expressed a desire for the global acceptance of nuclear fission as an alternative source of energy.

During his speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, the Ukrainian president received a standing ovation for stating that Putin had taken away 13 years of peace and would only be willing to negotiate after facing military defeat.

Zelenskiy stated, after a meeting with 70 chief executives and Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, in Davos, that anyone who believes this is solely related to Ukraine is greatly mistaken.

Zelenskiy, sporting his usual black sweater, stated that the Russian president was motivated to engage in military action due to repeated cautions for Ukraine to avoid escalating the conflict that originated from the annexation of Crimea by the Kremlin in 2014.

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Davos today.

They say:

Although the current situation on the battlefield is challenging, with the Russians making advances on multiple fronts, Mr. Stoltenberg emphasized that there are also reasons for hope.

He highlighted Ukraine’s noteworthy accomplishments in reclaiming land, establishing a pathway for grain trade in the Black Sea, and maintaining its status as an independent nation. On the other hand, he stated that Russia has failed to achieve their goal of controlling Ukraine through the war. As a result, Ukrainians have shifted their focus towards the West and are determined to join NATO and the European Union.

The Secretary General emphasized that providing assistance to Ukraine is not an act of generosity, but rather a strategic investment in our own safety. Mr Stoltenberg highlighted the growing worldwide impact of security and mentioned that even NATO’s close allies, Japan and South Korea, share concerns about Russia’s aggression towards Ukraine. He also noted that if President Putin were to succeed in this conflict, it could potentially embolden China to use force in other regions.

For this week, Davos has set up their own shops in separate domains.

One of the buildings involved is Ukraine House, where the initiative “Decide Your Tomorrow” is taking place to garner and sustain backing for Ukraine.

A discussion was held to consider the potential outcome of “What if Ukraine Fails?”… and it was noted that the ramifications would be significant for both Ukraine and the rest of Europe.

Niall Ferguson, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, warned:

We must clearly state the severe repercussions that a Russian win would bring, or else the interest of the US will diminish. If the US ceases to provide financial and military support, then Western Europe will do the same.

Ferguson also offered his perspective on how Russia’s Vladimir Putin may define a successful outcome:

“Even if Ukraine managed to keep the majority of its territory from 1991, but struggled to survive or thrive economically, it would still be considered a success for Putin. This would indicate a failure of the quickly formed Western alliance in 2022.”

This would also be a failure of US leadership, said Ferguson, adding:

It is crucial that we prevent Ukraine from losing this war. We must not let Putin declare triumph, as the consequences for us in terms of finances, economics, and morals will be too great to bear.

Complete information available here – how may we assist you?

Our main strength is our people, Volodymyr Zelenskiy replies, who have proved they are smart, talented, modern, smart-witted and brave.

He says:

Our economy can only be rebuilt by our people and your investments.

Increased investment, accompanied by transparency, will generate fresh job opportunities and enable our citizens to return from overseas.

He concludes with a sales presentation.

By bolstering our economy, we can enhance your security.

The audience in the hall stood up in a rare show of appreciation at Davos, similar to the standing ovation that Zelenskiy received last year when he delivered a speech via video conference (Nelson Mandela also received one).

According to Volodymyr Zelelskiy, the focus should be on justice instead of seeking revenge against Russia.

According to him, the Ukrainian citizens will never pardon Putin and those responsible for this act of terrorism. They have robbed our children of their innocence and childhood.

He asserts the need for responsibility and repercussions.

Zelenskiy disagrees with the idea that the Russian president has time on his side. He believes that neither Putin, nor his descendants, will be able to find peace.

Onto questions:

For how much time will the Russian citizens permit Putin to prolong this conflict?

When changing to Ukrainian, Zelenskiy states that it hinges on how long the Russian people are willing to ignore or overlook everything and pretend that everything is fine.

Zelenskiy states that it is up to the citizens of the Russian Federation to determine if they are capable of change, rather than himself.

I am skeptical that Putin has the ability to change, as it is only within the realm of human capability.

Zelenskiy addresses the full audience at Congress Hall in Davos, emphasizing Ukraine’s need for assistance in the reconstruction process.

Each and every one of you has the potential to achieve even greater success with Ukraine.

He mentions having talked with the leader of Switzerland regarding organizing an international summit for peace.

The conclusion is that peace should prevail and this should be the solution, prompting another round of enthusiastic applause.

Volodymyr Zelenskiy is adamant that this year will be crucial.

He is uncertain if halting the war in Ukraine would truly bring an end to the conflict.

Zelenskiy stated that there were efforts made in 2014 to halt the war in Donbas.

However, Russia’s hunger was not satisfied, stating:

Putin is a predator who is not satisfied by frozen products.

He reiterates that we must protect ourselves. He also mentions that we can triumph over him in the field, as we have demonstrated.

Zelenskiy acknowledges that advising Ukraine to avoid escalating the conflict with Russia was a mistake.

According to him, Russia was motivated to engage in military actions due to the warnings given to Ukraine to avoid further escalation.

Zelenskiy stated that due to the policy of not escalating, there have been casualties.

The author also mentions concerns about resisting in the Black Sea, but this has resulted in the transportation of 16 million tonnes of cargo from ports in Ukraine.

He questions the effectiveness of sanctions on Russia, as they do not stop missile manufacturing. He also notes that Ukraine’s allies contribute components to every missile launch.

Zelenskiy emphasizes that he is appreciative of every form of assistance.

However, he insists that Putin must face consequences for his actions in Ukraine and be made to regret the invasion.

As Putin and his allies continue to suffer financial losses, he will inevitably come to regret initiating this war.

We must ultimately reject the belief that global cohesion is less powerful than one person’s animosity.

Source: theguardian.com

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