A man was sentenced to probation for physically assaulting Drag Race celebrity The Vivienne.

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A male individual who was found guilty of physically assaulting a drag performer in a hateful manner has been handed a suspended prison term.

In the previous month, Alan Whitfield, aged 51 and a scaffolder, was convicted by Liverpool magistrates for assaulting James Lee Williams, aged 31, who is known for his performances as The Vivienne and was the winner of the inaugural season of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK.

Last June, during midday, Williams, who placed third in the previous season of Dancing on Ice, was singled out and approached while he was waiting for food at a McDonald’s on Edge Lane in Liverpool.

Whitfield verbally attacked him for his looks and then physically struck him in the jaw, according to the court. Williams testified that he suffered from a bruised jaw that was painful for a week. However, he added that his background as a 6ft rugby player allowed him to withstand the blow.

The district judge, Paul Healey, stated during Whitfield’s sentencing on Friday that his actions were extremely unacceptable. He also noted that the most significant aggravating factor of the crime was the motive of animosity towards the victim based on their sexual orientation.

The judge also observed that the attack occurred around midday in a confined area accessible to the public, and that children present had to be relocated for their safety.

He stated that he chose not to give an immediate imprisonment because Whitfield has not had any recent or relevant convictions and because his mother, who has serious health problems, depends on him as her main caregiver.

Whitfield, a resident of Everton in Liverpool, received a suspended jail sentence of 12 weeks for a period of 18 months. Additionally, he is required to adhere to a two-year restraining order that prohibits any communication with Williams. As part of his sentence, he must undergo 12 sessions of mental health therapy and 10 rehabilitation activity days under the supervision of the probation service.

Whitfield, who admitted to committing assault by beating during a previous court appearance, is also required to compensate his victim with £300 and cover court costs of £454.

During the court proceeding on Wednesday, Williams shared in his victim personal statement, “I have always been open and true to myself as a gay man. However, at 31 years old, I am now constantly aware of the possibility of being targeted and harmed simply for being who I am.”

Whitfield argued that the attack was not driven by Williams’ sexual orientation and instead stated that he responded with anger to a remark made about his skin color.

Source: theguardian.com

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